Thursday, June 18, 2020

Adventures in Quarantine: Episode 2

My dear reader,

I thought that by this time in the progression of the blog that I'd be sharing with you some of the practical new things that I've had to figure out about tiny living. Those things included:
  • How to make your bed while you're in it.
  • How to make the foot of your bed because no one ever sees the rest.
  • How to put on pants while on your bed and on your back.
Instead, I guess I get to share about quarantine. Two of the first three weeks I've been here will be with my boys and dealing with Corona virus. I think I have already spent more days here with my boys than without.

But they have been such troopers. We haven't left the tiny house in three days because my eyes have been too sensitive, or it has been bad weather, or my boys have just not wanted to. Despite the dramatic stories my oldest has shared with his cousins, my boys have not complained. They have found many things to do, and yes, much of that has been video games. But they have been anything but bored.

Their mother came by twice to deliver supplies, and we've had other visitors like that. Their gramma came by with dinner and art supplies, and my friend in town brought by some food as well. We were able to talk with them for a few minutes by calling them and having them on speaker while we waved to them through the closed window. Surprisingly, it wasn't as sad as it sounds. My boys were happy to see everyone, as was I. We'll just have to invite them in next time, I guess.

The guidelines for a person who tested positive with Covid is at least 10 days in isolation with 3 consecutive days symptom-free. So potentially isolation can last much longer. For people who have been exposed to Covid, the isolation protocol is 14 days, and the clock starts over if they show symptoms. This means that even though my quarantine could be over at the end of the weekend, we still get to shelter in place a little longer for my boys.

Honestly, the worst part about this whole show has been the phone calls. I've been on the phone with two different health departments, and they collected names and phone numbers of all the people I was in contact with before I was tested. The questions are pretty intrusive, and it's easy to take offense to all of it because I personally haven't been spoken to like that unless I did something wrong. I know they're just tracking the epidemiology of this, and that requires lots of questions. But I see how it makes some people worry.

I've been grateful for card games, board games, balloon races, art projects, and good food. My boys have even managed to play Hide and Seek here! It's definitely a weird circumstance, but we're doing just fine.

I'm serious about the milkshakes, though, dear reader. Though I'm baking my life away here, there is a serious lack of good ice cream.


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